When I started making this website, I had not touched anything related to web development for at least a year.
But thanks to the internet, as long as you have a goal and the ability to follow instructions, the lack of experience will not hinder you from making your own website!
Step 1: Follow the instructions on http://jmcglone.com/guides/github-pages/ to set up a website with blog. Technically speaking, when you are done with the guide, you’ve already made your own webpage.
Step 2: Making the website personal by uploading images. http://solutionoptimist.com/2013/12/28/awesome-github-tricks/
Step 3: Install Github and GitShell on my computer. Go though Github concepts and play around the apps. This is crucial for designing web locally and version controlling. https://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1
Step 3: Installing Jekyll to make local web development possible. https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/
Step 4: Messing around the webpage by adding multiple blog features https://github.com/ggarron/multi-blog-jekyll https://www.garron.me/en/blog/multi-blog-site-jekyll.html